Asking For a Raise at Work: Fear of Rejection

By · Sunday, September 29th, 2013

Fear of Rejection—Will our boss minimize our request by saying such things as “I thought you were part of our team.” Or  “You know that we take care of our people when the time is right.” Or “Do you really think you deserve a raise now with all the changes going on around here?”  All of these, and others, are designed to intimidate you, make you defensive and get you to go back to your corner and be happy that you even have a job.  Of course, if the boss doesn’t have to give you much of a raise then he/she has more to give to someone else.

Bosses have many ways of rejecting and minimizing you.  Subtle ones are:  1) not paying attention to you when you’re speaking to the boss.   They could be shuffling papers, answering the phone, allowing or encouraging the Administrative Assistant to walk in and interrupt.  2) Looking at his/her watch.  3) Answering a text.  All of these and many more are forms of rudeness and purposeful intimidation.

But, you really hold the power because you know the depth of your contributions and you have the ultimate power of being able to leave.  Power is in the mind.  You have way more choices than you think.

Share a story of how you or someone you know experienced fear of rejection while seeking a raise. Share it here:

Do you Fear being fired if you ask for what you’ve earned?  Are you anxious to get started moving your life forward and making the money you deserve?

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